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table-top NEXAFS system


table-top NEXAFS system

  • first integrated NEXAFS spectroscopy solution

  • no need to apply for beamtime

  • chemical state analysis for geology, biology, materials research

  • synchrotron-quality spectra

proXAS is the first system on the market to offer NEXAFS measurements in a laboratory. Fingerprinting for element analysis is now possible in-house with fast and accurate results.


It combines a highly-reliable laser-based XUV source and a customized spectrometer with an extremely high resolving power of 1900. The energy range 200-1200eV allows for measurements at the K-edge of elements such as C, N, O, Ca, K, Ti.


Customized versions of proXAS are available. For applications at higher energies, see hiXAS. Please contact us to discuss your application.

Elemental range

Range of elements accessible for table-top NEXAFS measurements

The range of elements accessible to proXAS for NEXAFS measurements includes the K-absorption edges of C, N, O, F, as well as the L-edges of K, Ca, Ti, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu.


Even diluted samples with analyte concentrations of only 0.2 wt% can be measured.


proXAS: table-top NEXAFS system



NEXAFS sample spectrum goethite hematite

NEXAFS spectrum at the oxygen K-edge of the oxide minerals goethite, hematite, ferrihydrite, and CCa-2 chlorite.


(1) measured with the table-top NEXAFS system, measurement time 5min

(2) NEXAFS spectrum recorded at a synchrotron for comparison


Peak positions deviate by less than 0.06% in energy, underlining the excellent agreement of proXAS measurements with synchrotron data.

NEXAFS sample spectrum carbon K-edge polyimide 1
NEXAFS sample spectrum carbon K-edge polyimide 2

NEXAFS spectrum at the carbon K-edge of PMDA-ODA polyimide.


(1) measured with the table-top NEXAFS system, measurement time 2.5min

(2) NEXAFS spectrum recorded at a synchrotron for comparison


All spectral features, corresponding to transitions of the benzene rings are clearly resolved.


  • Surface science

  • Chemical state analysis in geochemistry

  • Electronic structure and oxidation state analysis

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