Beamline light sources
Our product portfolio includes integrated light sources of radiation in the vacuum wavelength range. Synchrotron-style measurements are enabled by these sources.
High-harmonic generation (HHG) beamlines are a powerful table-top tool providing coherent laser-like XUV and soft X-ray radiation. Fundamental research in plasma physics or surface science has been realized with our beamLINE systems.
The laser-driven plasma source proLINE provides turn-key EUV radiation. Both broadband and monochromatized outputs are available.
Laser-like source of XUV and soft X-ray radiation through high-harmonic generation.
Large selection of options available, including focusing and monochromator stages, and secondary beam incoupling. Complex research setups available as customized built-to-specifications.

compact EUV source
Turn-key source of radiation in the 1-20nm (60-1000eV) spectral range. Long-term stable plasma source with low maintenance. Intuitive operation by software control.
Focusing units and monochromators options available.